Sales Toolbox

SharpSpring Tools for Sales Teams

Get better insights into your prospects and optimize your sales process with SharpSpring’s Sales Tools.

SharpSpring Marketing automation is a SaaS built for more than just Marketing teams – it includes a full CRM with Sales Pipeline management, letting you manage your entire buyer journey in one place. Increase your close rates and speed up your sales cycles by creating a scalable and repeatable process for your sales team, giving them relevant insights, productivity tools and automated nudges at the right time.

These are just some of the tools available in the platform:
Prospect Insights

Prospect Insights

Activity Feed

Get real time updates on how leads are engaging with your sales process – Activity Feed provides insights into which leads are interacting with your sales activities and collateral. See filterable activities in a live feed including:

  • Email Opens & Clicks
  • Website Visits
  • Media Views
  • Incoming Emails to your mailbox
  • Forms submitted
  • Social Media interactions (including LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook)

Timeline / Life of the Lead

See the rich history of your contacts interactions with you, your website and your marketing content on the Life of the Lead. The timeline shows all communication your team has had with the contact, including calls and emails, as well as engagement touchpoints such as web page views, emails opened or clicked, Social Media interactions and Chatbot conversations.

Visitor ID

Track and Detect which businesses are engaging with your content, even before they convert! Reveal and target the high value businesses that are actively researching your solutions, whether they choose to contact you or not.

Tapping into a database of large businesses, SharpSpring can identify which ones are visiting your site, putting a name to the anonymous web page views you’re getting.

Auto Notify

Reaching out to your leads at the moment you have their attention can significantly boost your conversion rates.

Auto-notify can keep you in the loop when your important leads re-engage with your website, so you can follow up with them with information they are looking for – creating first impressions was never this easy!

CRM Tools

Smart Emails

Create reusable templates of your most successful sales content to be used across your team. The emails are dynamic, allowing you to personalize messaging based on the contact’s demographic, profile and interactions you’ve collected so far.

Smart emails are sent from the sender’s mailbox and are automatically tracked so your inbox delivery rates are high and engagement is seamlessly tracked in your CRM, while still being able to see the emails in your own Sent Items.

Sales Automations

Standardize your Sales process and make sure that no prospects fall through the cracks by automating follow-ups and suggesting actions at key stages in your buyer’s journey.

  • Create a set of predefined follow-ups to increase the chance of closed deals
  • Suggest Smart Emails to Sales reps based on interactions from prospects
  • Notify a salesperson or sales manager when a certain trigger event is reached
  • Segment different follow-ups for different lead types – by industry, persona, product – whichever demographics matter in your line of business

Boost your team’s productivity by reducing decision making and giving them the tools they need, when they need it.

Sales Pipeline

A powerful Sales Pipeline is built for flexibility – you can customize deal stages, set up multiple pipelines for different sales processes (for different product lines or business areas) if you need to.

Best of all, by combining Marketing and Sales into a single unified platform, you can see the end-to-end ROI of your marketing efforts – see how much revenue each of your campaigns are generating!

Lead Scoring

Set up intelligent rules to give points to leads based on their engagement and demographics. You can customize awarding of points for page visits, forms completed, segmentation information, social media interactions or any other data you’ve collected or lead behaviors that were tracked.

Scores can also be set up to decay with time, so your lead pipeline is always displaying only the recently engaged and relevant leads. Paired with Automation Workflows, you can automatically qualify leads and notify Sales.

Timeline / Life of the Lead

See the rich history of your contacts interactions with you, your website and your marketing content on the Life of the Lead. The timeline shows all communication your team has had with the contact, including calls and emails, as well as engagement touchpoints such as web page views, emails opened or clicked, Social Media interactions and Chatbot conversations.

Activity Feed

Get real time updates on how leads are engaging with your sales process – Activity Feed provides insights into which leads are interacting with your sales activities and collateral. See filterable activities in a live feed including:

  • Email Opens & Clicks
  • Website Visits
  • Media Views
  • Incoming Emails to your mailbox
  • Forms submitted
  • Social Media interactions (including LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook)